Formed in 1974, Deep East Texas Self Insurance Fund (DETSIF) was created by a core group of East Texas Governmental Entities to provide workers’ compensation coverage to Schools, Counties, Cities and other Districts. Over the years DETSIF has performed just as planned by its founding members since 1974, while slowly expanding our membership to every corner of the state of Texas.
Deep East Texas Self Insurance Fund has always endorsed safety procedures as ways to prevent injuries to your employees. We provide each member entity with 3% of your premium contribution for PPE Safety Supplies. Also we pay ½ the cost for non-slip shoes as part of our Safety Shoe Program. In addition, we provide inspections, consultations, and claims reviews.
We have over 1000 Safety Films available online at No Charge, for our members, to help you with your Safety Training Programs!

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Click here to view our safety programs and supplies flyers!
Workers Comp
In Texas, to be a governmental employee, you must be paid hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
An employer must report any changes in an injured worker’s pay or employment status with a the Supplemental Report of Injury (DWC-6), to the insurance carrier and the injured worker within days
Find a Doctor
In Texas, to be a governmental employee, you must be paid hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
An employer must report any changes in an injured worker’s pay or employment status with a the Supplemental Report of Injury (DWC-6), to the insurance carrier and the injured worker within days